Carolin Scriba

I’m on a mission to beat the world toughest diseases – one lap at a time.

I am a researcher at the Perkins working on finding the genetic causes and developing treatments for rare neuromuscular diseases. Though they are individually rare, collectively these diseases impact thousands of Australians and their families. Finding the genetic cause of disease ends what is often many years of searching for these families and empowers them to make informed decisions and initiate any available treatments. 

It is truly a privilege to be able to do what I do. Everyday I come to work and am surrounded by some the most talented researchers making major advances in so many important areas, from cancer to cardiovascular disease to genomic technologies and neuromuscular disorders.  

Receiving funding for research in Australia is a major challenge in the field and the lack of funding available can stifle the hard work and progress being made. I have decided to take part in this 12 hour overnight winter swim to raise money for the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research to help fund and safeguard all the incredible research I see around me and get to be a part of. 

Any contributions are hugely appreciated and will help to further the pioneering research being done to help Australian families live better, longer and healthier lives.

Your Impact

So far this year I helped provide...



Thank you to my Sponsors



Hermann Scriba

Go Carolin! We’re proud of your research and swimming efforts!


Hannah Cross

Always proud of you. Get those swimz.


Leonie Cross


Jordan Vegar


Carolin Scriba


Self-donation Match Thanks To Minres


Ian Williams

A great cause and every lap counts. Well done!


Ron G

Great work


Rainer Hagedorn

Sounds like some great research work. All the best for the swim!


Sandra Scriba

Fabulous cause


Bernadette Celliers

Go Carolin! Such a great cause.




Gina Natoli

You're amazing Cas.


Chiara Folland

Slay queen