Victoria Perryman

I’m swimming to help beat our toughest diseases

These small worlds have such a huge impact to many lives … cancer… heart disease… diabetes or we don’t know what it is.

I’m swimming through the night to help WA’s best medical researchers, at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, who are committed to finding breakthroughs and maybe even cures for the hardest to treat diseases.

Your support would be amazing with a donation - any amount makes a difference - to help WA’s researchers beat these life changing diseases. 

Your Impact

So far this year I helped provide...



Thank you to my Sponsors



Victoria Perryman


Samantha Kirman

Go girl, what a great cause xxx


Rachel Coyne

You’re crazy and inspirational in equal measure!!


Cameron Gove

Good to you and the parmy team. Cam


Graeme Perryman


Sam Baily


Cath Elliott