Christopher Lamb

Making waves against cancer, one lap at a time

I am a PhD researcher based at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, specializing in the field of biomedical 3D printing. My work focuses on developing advanced 3D printing techniques to create structures for heart valves and vascular grafts. The goal of my research is to improve the reliability and quality of these printed structures, making them viable for clinical use. By enhancing the precision and effectiveness of biomedical 3D printing, we aim to provide better, more personalized treatment options for patients, ultimately improving their quality of life and outcomes.

At Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, we're making life-changing discoveries—from new cancer treatments to advanced and innovated cancer diagnosis and understanding rare genetic diseases. However, this vital research requires funding. That is why my fellow lab members, researchers and I are taking part in this swim to save lives one lap at a time.

All the funds raised will go towards helping the researchers at Harry Perkins push towards finding the next break through in cardiovascular research.  Any contributions make a huge difference to the research we can perform and are greatly appreciated

Your Impact

So far this year I helped provide...



Thank you to my Sponsors


Qiang Li

Well done Chris for supporting a noble cause !


William Hidajat

Making a great splash Chris. Good luck


Kyle Carvalho



Go Chris!


Christopher Lamb


Self-donation Match Thanks To Minres


Wendy And Rohan Doyle

Good luck with your swim


Sean Foo

